Pacer Pedometer & Step Tracker p4.10.1

Hi, here we provide you APK file of "Pacer" apk file version: p4.10.1 to download and install for your android. It's easy and warranty.
  • Version: p4.10.1
    Version Code: 2017101500
    Package: cc.pacer.androidapp
  • 20.13 MB (21,112,420 bytes)
  • Android 4.1+
  • ARM7 ARM6 x86_64 x86
  • file hash (MD5):
  • file signature (SHA1):
  • Permissions (12)
  • Uploaded 2017/16/10
    by Pacer Health
  • Warning detected: in quene...
  • Health & Fitness
  • GooglePlay
Whats new in Pacer p11.4.2

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Pacer for Teams new feature: Wellness challenge.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p11.4.1

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Redesigned 'Explore' and 'Challenge' pages help you find Pacer's built-in Challenges and Virtual Adventure Challenges with no effort.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p11.2.1

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Optimized Calendar and Yesterday report help better track your steps by providing weekly and monthly data and step trend changes.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p11.1.1

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Optimized Calendar and Yesterday report help better track your steps by providing weekly and monthly data and step trend changes.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p10.12.1

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Optimized Calendar and Yesterday report help better track your steps by providing weekly and monthly data and step trend changes.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p10.11.2

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- "Streak" feature tracks how many consecutive days you've reached your step goal!
- Pacer for Teams Enterprise organizations can now create team-based and whole-organization Adventure Challenges.
- MyFitnessPal integration is no longer supported by MyFitnessPal. New users will no longer be able to connect with their MyFitnessPal accounts.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p10.7.1

Hey Pacers! New to this version:

- For Pacer for Teams organizations, admins can now grant access to participants to create teams when they onboard.
- Bug fixes.

Stay safe and active!
Whats new in Pacer p10.6.1

Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Whats new in Pacer p10.5.1

Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Whats new in Pacer p10.4.1

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Group owners and admins can now pin their most important posts so members will not miss important information.
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements.

Stay safe and active!
Whats new in Pacer p10.3.1

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- We've added some new settings for Pacer Groups. Now when you create a public Pacer Group, you can select group topic(s) and the language this group will use. You can also decide whether to only allow local Pacers to join your group. Current group owners can also add these settings to your group(s).
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements.

Stay safe and active!
Whats new in Pacer p10.2.1

Hey Pacers! Some new updates in this version to help Pacer Groups stay active and motivating:

- Easier group management - groups now support up to 5 admins.
- Reclaim inactive groups - group members can now reclaim ownership of inactive public groups.
- Remove inactive public groups - public groups that are truly inactive will be automatically archived by the system.
- App settings are now easier to find when you tap your profile image at the top left of the Home tab.
- Bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p9.10.2

- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Whats new in Pacer p9.9.1

- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Whats new in Pacer p9.7.1

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Massive update to GPS tracking feature. Satellite Map mode is now available during your GPS sessions. New data insights after every activity, with even more available for Premium users!
- Other bug fixes.

Our goal is to make Pacer the best pedometer and activity tracker for weight loss, fitness and step challenges. Please email us at with suggestions and feedback.

Stay safe and active!
Whats new in Pacer p9.6.2

Bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p9.4.1

Bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p9.3.2

Bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p9.3.1

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Better data syncing experience for users who use Google Fit as their primary data source.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p9.2.2

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Better data syncing experience for users who use Google Fit as their primary data source.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p9.1.2

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- An easier process for sharing your Adventure Lifetime Report.
- Other bug fixes.

Stay safe and active!
Whats new in Pacer p8.12.3

Hey Pacers! New in this version:

- Brand new Adventure Lifetime Stats page.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p8.12.2

Hey Pacers! Some updates about this version:

- Pacer Adventure Challenge medals can now be browsed within the app.
- For users who are using Google Fit as their primary data source, exercise activities that are manually input in Pacer will no longer be synced to the Google Fit app.
- Bug fixes.

Stay safe and active!
Whats new in Pacer p8.11.3

Bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p8.11.1

Minor updates and bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p8.10.2
Hey Pacers! Just a minor update about this version:
-Updated Adventure Challenge and Solar System Race registration pages
-Fixed some bugs

Stay healthy and safe!
Whats new in Pacer p8.10.1
Hey Pacers! Just a minor update about this version:
-Updated Adventure Challenge and Solar System Race registration pages
-Fixed some bugs

Stay healthy and safe!
Whats new in Pacer p8.9.2

Hey Pacers! Hope you're all staying safe and active! A couple of big updates in this version:
- We've redesigned our badge and e-certificate pages, so it's much easier to keep track of all of your hard-won achievements. Check it out in your profile.
- Pacer for Teams challenge administrators now have more challenge invitation options. Choose who you want to join your challenges, or let your members pick and choose based on their own preferences.
Whats new in Pacer p8.9.1

- Bug fixes and improvements
Whats new in Pacer p8.8.2

- New "Solar System" races available for registration. 9 virtual races with amazing medals in all (8 planets + Pluto)
- Bug fixes and improvements
Whats new in Pacer p8.8.1

- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p8.7.3

- Adventure Challenge participants can now pause challenges without losing any progress. Take a break due to unforeseen circumstances, or switch to another adventure for a little while. Note: this feature available for individual challenges only, not available for Pacer for Teams or global challenges.
- For Fitbit and Garmin users, we've added error messages to let you know if you have not given Pacer the minimum permissions required.
Whats new in Pacer p8.7.2

- Now when you manually record exercises, we'll give you the option to add equivalent steps. Note that manually added steps still won't count toward global challenges. If you are in a corporate challenge, check your specific challenge rules to see if manually added steps are allowed.
Whats new in Pacer p8.7.1

New features in this update:
* Fresh new UI for Adventure Challenge map and leaderboard page
* Add photos in addition to comments to your manually recorded activities
Whats new in Pacer p8.6.2

- Now you can "Hide" posts from accounts you are not interested in from appearing in your Feed
Whats new in Pacer p8.6.1

Hi Pacers! Some new updates in this release:
- New Street View feature to make Adventure Challenges even more immersive.
- Group owners can now customize their group's code to make it easier to share and remember.
- Option to hide specific users' posts from appearing in your Feed.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p8.5.1

Hi Pacers! Some new updates in this release:
- New Street View feature to make Adventure Challenges even more immersive.
- Group owners can now customize their group's code to make it easier to share and remember.
- Option to hide specific users' posts from appearing in your Feed.
- Bug fixes.
Whats new in Pacer p8.4.2

Hey Pacers! New features in this release:
- You can now delete comments on your posts

Also includes some bug fixes, so be sure to update!
Whats new in Pacer p8.4.1

Hey Pacers! New features in this release:
- You can now delete comments on your posts

Also includes some bug fixes, so be sure to update!
Whats new in Pacer p8.3.2

- Samsung Health users can now sync activity data with Pacer. Available only on Android 10 and higher systems.
- Adventure Challenge participants can now edit some of their challenge settings after the challenge starts.
Whats new in Pacer p8.2.1

- New Adventure Challenges added!
- Share your finisher's certificates directly to your feed
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p8.1.1

- Pacer for Teams organizations will notice a new look on their organization page, including a new Announcement and Posting area.
- Adventure Challenge maps are now easier to navigate when there are many participants.
- Now you can start new Adventure Challenges as long as you have finished your current challenge. No longer any need to quit your current challenge.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Whats new in Pacer p7.12.3

- Pacer for Teams organizations will notice a new look on their organization page, including a new Announcement and Posting area.
- Adventure Challenge maps are now easier to navigate when there are many participants.
- Now you can start new Adventure Challenges as long as you have finished your current challenge. No longer any need to quit your current challenge.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Whats new in Pacer p7.12.2

Premium members can now connect their Fitbit and Garmin to Pacer. Once connected, your daily steps, distance and other activity data will automatically sync from your Fitbit or Garmin to your Pacer account.
Whats new in Pacer p7.11.2

Google Fit updates:
- Sync all your exercise sessions with Google Fit

Adventure Challenge updates:
- Get a GORGEOUS and personalized finisher's e-certificate
- Customize your Adventure Challenge rules: count only GPS sessions for more difficulty, or allowing more activity types for more flexibility.
- Added 360 street views to checkpoints

Other updates:
- Not interested in notifications from the Coach anymore? Toggle the daily notifications on/off in message center settings.
Whats new in Pacer p7.11.1
- This update is just about bug fixes and performance improvements. Much more to come soon.
- Stay safe everyone!
Whats new in Pacer p7.10.1
- This update is just about bug fixes and performance improvements. Much more to come soon.
- Stay safe everyone!
Whats new in Pacer p7.9.4

Hey Pacers! Some exciting new updates to challenges in this version:
-You can now pin your most important challenges to your home screen so that you can see your progress at a glance.
-We'll now send you a notification in the app when you've earned a badge in your challenges, and we've added some cool filters so you can share your badges to social media or your own feed!
-Challenge creators can add hashtags to their challenges so participants know how to connect with each other on social media.
Whats new in Pacer p7.9.1
This update is just about bug fixes and performance improvements. Much more to come soon.
Stay safe everyone!
Whats new in Pacer p7.8.2
This update is just about bug fixes and performance improvements. Much more to come soon.
Stay safe everyone!
Whats new in Pacer p7.8.1
Hi Pacers! This update finally brings our popular Adventure Challenges to Android!
- Get active by pushing yourself to complete each adventure challenge before the time limit expires
- Go alone or compete with friends
- See your progress on a map and unlock special checkpoints along the way
- Collect exclusive badges for each challenge
- Inca Trail, Grand Canyon, Great Wall, Kilimanjaro, Great Ocean Way and Hadrian's Wall
Whats new in Pacer p7.7.1
Hi Pacers,

Big improvements to our GPS activity tracker in this update:
-New and improved GPS activity results page
-New way to find nearby 'Routes' from the 'Explore' page
-Route Checkins - match your GPS tracked sessions to nearby routes and earn a spot on the route leaderboard.

Much more to come soon. Stay safe everyone!
Whats new in Pacer p7.6.2
Hi Pacers,

Big improvements to our GPS activity tracker in this update:
-New and improved GPS activity results page
-New way to find nearby 'Routes' from the 'Explore' page
-Route Checkins - match your GPS tracked sessions to nearby routes and earn a spot on the route leaderboard.

Much more to come soon. Stay safe everyone!
Whats new in Pacer p7.5.1
Hi Pacers,

This version brings major updates to virtual challenges:
-Added option for distance, pace, and daily step goal challenges
-Added challenge goals with progress bars
-Now you can add a link to your challenge for your charity or cause if you have one

Stay safe and remember to follow your local guidelines about outdoor activities!
Whats new in Pacer p7.4.2
* Group owners can enable or disable notes, group chat and the leaderboard.
Whats new in Pacer p7.3.3
Hey Pacers! Introducing new Group Challenges - get your group members active:

1. Create special challenges within your group to get your members moving
2. Set custom challenge times, descriptions & more + create invite links to your group or challenge
3. Lots of minor improvements and bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p7.3.2
Hey Pacers! We’ve made our challenge interface now looks and performs better! We’ve also fixed some minor bugs, so make sure to update to the latest version of Pacer today.
Whats new in Pacer p7.2.1
Hey Pacers! We’ve made our challenge interface now looks and performs better! We’ve also fixed some minor bugs, so make sure to update to the latest version of Pacer today.
Whats new in Pacer p7.1.1
Hi Pacers! New in this version:
1. Supercharge your Groups: Group posts now visible in the Feed and Group owners can send group announcements
2. Lots of bug fixes and minor improvements
Whats new in Pacer p6.12.2
Hi Pacers! New in this version:
1. Supercharge your Groups: Group posts now visible in the Feed and Group owners can send group announcements
2. Lots of bug fixes and minor improvements
Whats new in Pacer p6.10.1
Hey Pacers! We’ve made social participation in our Pacer community safer and more secure. Our groups interface now looks and performs better too!

Community safety and authenticity:
* Added additional email verification step required to use social features
* Closed potential loopholes to reduce cheating in Pacer challenges.

Improved groups interface:
* The Pacer groups interface looks better and loads and performs faster.
Whats new in Pacer p6.9.1
Hey Pacers! We’ve made social participation in our Pacer community safer and more secure. Our groups interface now looks and performs better too!

Community safety and authenticity:
* Added additional email verification step required to use social features
* Closed potential loopholes to reduce cheating in Pacer challenges.

Improved groups interface:
* The Pacer groups interface looks better and loads and performs faster.
Whats new in Pacer p6.8.2
Hello Pacers! Discovering Routes is now easier and more effective! Find your ideal walking Route faster with our new rating and sorting features.

- Routes are now rated using a 4-star rating system! It's easy to identify the best Routes from the most dedicated Pacers.
- Discover Routes anywhere in the world by setting your location on a map
- Sort and filter Routes based on length, distance and more.
Whats new in Pacer p6.8.1
Hello Pacers! Discovering Routes is now easier and more effective! Find your ideal walking Route faster with our new rating and sorting features.

- Routes are now rated using a 4-star rating system! It's easy to identify the best Routes from the most dedicated Pacers.
- Discover Routes anywhere in the world by setting your location on a map
- Sort and filter Routes based on length, distance and more.
Whats new in Pacer p6.7.1
Hello Pacers! Discovering Routes is now easier and more effective! Find your ideal walking Route faster with our new rating and sorting features.

- Routes are now rated using a 4-star rating system! It's easy to identify the best Routes from the most dedicated Pacers.
- Discover Routes anywhere in the world by setting your location on a map
- Sort and filter Routes based on length, distance and more.
Whats new in Pacer p6.6.1
Hello Pacers! Discovering Routes is now easier and more effective! Find your ideal walking Route faster with our new rating and sorting features.

- Routes are now rated using a 4-star rating system! It's easy to identify the best Routes from the most dedicated Pacers.
- Discover Routes anywhere in the world by setting your location on a map
- Sort and filter Routes based on length, distance and more.
Whats new in Pacer p6.4.2
New Pacer Routes: Introduce your favorite walking trail or local area to your friends! Routes turns your GPS activity's track into a Route that your friends can navigate. Don’t forget to take photos during your activity - they can be added to the Route so your friends can see all of the interesting sights along the way!
Whats new in Pacer p5.12.2
* Improved layouts and usability for different screen sizes
* Minor bug fixes and under the hood performance enhancements
Whats new in Pacer p5.11.3
Hey Pacers! We’ve made your historical data easier to view in the “Trends” tab. View 1-week/1-month/6-months/lifetime stats without having to tilt your screen.

We’ve also fixed some minor bugs and streamlined some features. Update your Pacer today!
Whats new in Pacer p5.11.2
Hey Pacers! We’ve made your historical data easier to view in the “Trends” tab. View 1-week/1-month/6-months/lifetime stats without having to tilt your screen.

We’ve also fixed some minor bugs and streamlined some features. Update your Pacer today!
Whats new in Pacer p5.11.1
Hey Pacers! We’ve made your historical data easier to view in the “Trends” tab. View 1-week/1-month/6-months/lifetime stats without having to tilt your screen.

We’ve also fixed some minor bugs and streamlined some features. Update your Pacer today!
Whats new in Pacer p5.10.1
Hey Pacers! We’ve made your historical data easier to view in the “Trends” tab. View 1-week/1-month/6-months/lifetime stats without having to tilt your screen.

We’ve also fixed some minor bugs and streamlined some features. Update your Pacer today!
Whats new in Pacer p5.9.2
Hey Pacers! We’ve made your historical data easier to view in the “Trends” tab. View 1-week/1-month/6-months/lifetime stats without having to tilt your screen.

We’ve also fixed some minor bugs and streamlined some features. Update your Pacer today!
Whats new in Pacer p5.9.1
Hey Pacers! We’ve changed the “Me” page so it’s focused on you and your Pacer history! The “Me” tab now shows your Feed posts and your step/run/workout history. See your Pacer in one easy Page.

We’ve also fixed some minor bugs and streamlined some features. Update your Pacer today!
Whats new in Pacer p5.8.1
Hey Pacers! We’ve changed the “Me” page so it’s focused on you and your Pacer history! The “Me” tab now shows your Feed posts and your step/run/workout history. See your Pacer in one easy Page.

We’ve also fixed some minor bugs and streamlined some features. Update your Pacer today!
Whats new in Pacer p5.7.1
Hi Pacers! It’s now easier to invite your friends to Pacer, and when 3 friends you invite join you’ll get a free Pacer Premium Membership! You can now also search for your Facebook Friends and phone contacts in Pacer, so you can get active together.

We’ve also introduced a new “Feed” page to make it easier to follow your Pacer friends and connect with the Pacer community.

Stay active, be social and get fit with your friends, family and new followers. See you on your Pacer Feed!
Whats new in Pacer p5.6.1
Performance improvements and some bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p5.5.1
Performance improvements and some bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p5.4.1
Performance improvements and some bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p5.3.1
Performance improvements and some bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p5.2.3
Performance improvements and some bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p5.1.2
Performance improvements and some bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p4.12.3
Hey Pacers. Pacer now syncs with Fitbit! Sync Fitbit with Pacer so you can view all of your fitness data in one place. Even if you’re not able to take your phone with you, you can still access the calories, steps, distance and activity logs from your Fitbit wearable in the Pacer app. It’s your fitness data, so we’re making it easier for you to collect and use it.We’ve also firmly swatted some minor bugs and made some minor improvements. Update today for the best Pacer experience!
Whats new in Pacer p4.10.2
Performance improvements and some bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p4.10.1
Performance improvements and some bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p4.9.3
Performance improvements and some bug fixes
Whats new in Pacer p4.7.0
Hey Pacers!-Lots of under-the-hood improvements to step counting and battery usage-New video workouts! Swipe left from the main screen and tap the stopwatch button to check out our new library of video workouts. These workouts were scientifically designed to be suitable for all fitness levels, can be done just about anywhere, and require no special equipment. So no more excuses, get moving!
Whats new in Pacer p4.6.0
Hey Pacers!-Lots of under-the-hood improvements to step counting and battery usage-New video workouts! Swipe left from the main screen and tap the stopwatch button to check out our new library of video workouts. These workouts were scientifically designed to be suitable for all fitness levels, can be done just about anywhere, and require no special equipment. So no more excuses, get moving!
Description of Pacer Pedometer & Step Tracker
Embark on a revolutionary fitness odyssey with Pacer Pedometer – a sophisticated and all-encompassing fitness companion meticulously designed for walking, running, and hiking enthusiasts who demand more than conventional step counters can offer. Pacer transcends the boundaries of ordinary fitness apps, positioning itself as not just an application but as the catalyst for a profound shift in your approach to health and wellness.

Key Features:

🚶‍♂️ Step Counter and Activity Tracker:
Pacer is not merely a step counter; it is an intelligent activity tracker that provides an in-depth analysis of your daily movements. Seamlessly monitor steps, calories burned, and distance covered, integrating fitness into your daily rhythm effortlessly.

📍 GPS Tracking for Precision:
Take your walking and running experiences to unparalleled heights with Pacer's cutting-edge GPS tracking. Whether you're navigating unexplored trails, conquering familiar routes, or immersing yourself in the urban sprawl, indulge in real-time metrics and detailed insights that transform each session into a personal adventure.

🏃‍♀️ Comprehensive Exercise Monitoring:
Pacer's versatility extends across a spectrum of exercises, diligently monitoring walks, runs, and hikes. It's not just about counting steps; it's about crafting and achieving fitness goals that align with your unique lifestyle and preferences. Every stride becomes a deliberate step toward crafting a healthier, more active version of yourself.

🔥 Calories Counter for Effective Weight Management:
Effortlessly achieve and sustain your weight management goals with Pacer's comprehensive calorie tracking feature. Stay informed about calories burned during workouts, empowering you on your journey to a healthier weight and a more balanced lifestyle.

🎯 Goal-Oriented Tracking and Achievements:
Personalize your fitness goals, challenge yourself with unique milestones, and earn achievements that celebrate your victories along the way. Pacer is not just an app; it's your steadfast companion on the road to a more active, fulfilling lifestyle, offering a dynamic and engaging platform to keep you motivated.

📈 In-Depth Health Insights:
Pacer delves beyond the surface, offering detailed reports on steps, calories, and distance. Empower yourself with valuable health insights, turning data into actionable steps for a proactive approach to your overall well-being.

🌍 Global Community and Challenges:
Join a vibrant global fitness community united by Pacer. Engage in challenges, share achievements, and draw inspiration from a diverse and supportive network. Pacer isn't just an app; it's your connection to a world of like-minded individuals committed to health, fitness, and a shared passion for living life to the fullest.

📱 Google Fit & Samsung Health Integration:
Sync Pacer seamlessly with Google Fit and Samsung Health for an immersive experience. Access real-time updates and comprehensive health metrics directly on your phone, ensuring your fitness journey is not just within reach but literally at your fingertips. Pacer provides a seamless synergy between technology and wellness, making your fitness journey dynamic and adaptable to your lifestyle.

🌟 User-Friendly Interface and Customization:
Experience the intuitive and user-friendly design of Pacer. Make Pacer uniquely yours, ensuring your fitness journey aligns seamlessly with your style and commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

🚀 Download Pacer Pedometer now and take the first stride on your fitness journey! Your adventure begins here, where every step is a milestone toward a healthier, fitter you! 🚀

Pacer Pedometer is not just an app; it's your gateway to an immersive and transformative fitness experience. Dive in, explore, and make every step count on your path to a healthier and more vibrant life! 🌈
Screenshosts of Pacer

Other Pacer APK versions for Android
Pacer p11.5.1
46.36 MB
Pacer p11.4.2
46.36 MB
Pacer p11.4.1
46.3 MB
Pacer p11.2.1
46.03 MB
Pacer p11.1.1
2 variants
Pacer p11.1.1
2 variants
Pacer p11.1.1 (2024020100)
45.86 MB
ARM8 ARM7 x86_64 x86
Pacer p11.1.1 (2024011600)
45.86 MB
ARM8 ARM7 x86_64 x86
Pacer p10.12.1
2 variants
Pacer p10.12.1
2 variants
Pacer p10.12.1 (2023122600)
45.86 MB
ARM8 ARM7 x86_64 x86
Pacer p10.12.1 (2023121900)
45.85 MB
ARM8 ARM7 x86_64 x86
Pacer p10.11.2
45.44 MB
Pacer p10.7.1
44.99 MB
Pacer p10.6.1
44.86 MB
Pacer p10.5.1
44.83 MB
Pacer p10.4.1
44.82 MB
Pacer p10.3.1
44.69 MB
Pacer p10.2.1
44.46 MB
Pacer p9.10.2
44.07 MB
Pacer p9.9.1
45.62 MB
Pacer p9.7.1
43.24 MB
Pacer p9.6.2
43.16 MB
Pacer p9.4.1
42.13 MB
Pacer p9.3.2
41.82 MB
Pacer p9.3.1
40.15 MB
Pacer p9.2.2
39.78 MB
Pacer p9.1.2
39.9 MB
Pacer p8.12.3
39.73 MB
Pacer p8.12.2
39.71 MB
Pacer p8.11.3
39.65 MB
Pacer p8.11.1
39.63 MB
Pacer p8.10.2
39.57 MB
Pacer p8.10.1
39.53 MB
Pacer p8.9.2
39.49 MB
Pacer p8.9.1
39.45 MB
Pacer p8.8.2
38.59 MB
Pacer p8.8.1
38.48 MB
Pacer p8.7.3
38.63 MB
Pacer p8.7.2
38.39 MB
Pacer p8.7.1
38.39 MB
Pacer p8.6.2
38.26 MB
Pacer p8.6.1
38.2 MB
Pacer p8.5.1
38.1 MB
Pacer p8.4.2
37.81 MB
Pacer p8.4.1
38.14 MB
Pacer p8.3.2
37.92 MB
Pacer p8.2.1
43.45 MB
Pacer p8.1.1
41.61 MB
Pacer p7.12.3
41.61 MB
Pacer p7.12.2
47.69 MB
Pacer p7.11.2
47.55 MB
Pacer p7.11.1
47.62 MB
Pacer p7.10.1
47.61 MB
Pacer p7.9.4
47.56 MB
Pacer p7.9.1
47.11 MB
Pacer p7.8.2
47.11 MB
Pacer p7.8.1
46.43 MB
Pacer p7.7.1
45.89 MB
Pacer p7.6.2
45.87 MB
Pacer p7.5.1
44.78 MB
Pacer p7.4.2
38.04 MB
Pacer p7.3.3
38.02 MB
Pacer p7.3.2
37.12 MB
Pacer p7.2.1
37.11 MB
Pacer p7.1.1
36.85 MB
Pacer p6.12.2
34.54 MB
Pacer p6.10.1
34.18 MB
Pacer p6.9.1
33.97 MB
Pacer p6.8.2
33.25 MB
Pacer p6.8.1
33.25 MB
Pacer p6.7.1
33.26 MB
Pacer p6.6.1
30.6 MB
Pacer p6.4.2
29.63 MB
Pacer p5.12.2
28.64 MB
Pacer p5.11.3
29.36 MB
Pacer p5.11.2
28.88 MB
Pacer p5.11.1
28.89 MB
Pacer p5.10.1
29 MB
Pacer p5.9.2
28.3 MB
Pacer p5.9.1
27.2 MB
Pacer p5.8.1
26.93 MB
Pacer p5.7.1
26.86 MB
Pacer p5.6.1
25.19 MB
Pacer p5.5.1
25.19 MB
Pacer p5.4.1
23.68 MB
Pacer p5.3.1
22.59 MB
Pacer p5.2.3
22.6 MB
Pacer p5.1.2
21.69 MB
Pacer p4.12.3
20.89 MB
Pacer p4.10.2
20.28 MB
Pacer p4.10.1
20.13 MB
Pacer p4.9.3
19.45 MB
Pacer p4.7.0
19.12 MB
Pacer p4.6.0
19.12 MB

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