aTalk (Jabber / XMPP) 2.6.2

Hi, here we provide you APK file of "aTalk" apk file version: 2.6.2 to download and install for your android. It's easy and warranty.
  • Version: 2.6.2
    Version Code: 206020
  • 38.01 MB (39,857,787 bytes)
  • Android 5.0+
  • ARM8 ARM7 x86_64 x86
  • file hash (MD5):
  • file signature (SHA1):
  • Permissions (22)
  • Uploaded 2021/19/07
    by cmeng
  • Warning detected: in quene...
  • Communication
  • GooglePlay
Whats new in aTalk 4.0.1
Removal of a contact shall purge all its associated history messages, call records and its session uuid
Update 'Recent conversations' to disable multi-item selection, and allow purge of orphan chat session
Add support to delete history messages based on session uuid with no associated contact or chat Room
History records deletion will return the actual deleted records count for display to user.
ChatPanel#mamQuery must use actual session uuid from DB
Whats new in aTalk 3.4.0
Fix init OmemoDevice No Response error
Fix OmemoManager Pubsub#event handler NoResponse error, end in endless loop and smack crashes
Set min SDK Version support to API-24
Remove new created volatile contacts on exit 'Show Block List', else deleted contacts reappear in contact List
Drop dependency and replace betterpickers with android DatePicker
Improve account preference birth date setting and call history deletion before user set date UI's
Whats new in aTalk 3.3.0
Update aTalk-android for android API-34 support; needs jarjar-gradle (master)
Use jarjar-gradle from github master i.e. '9a7eca7'(1.1.1); and use and pre-compiled smack jars
Update source to support API-34 ContextCompat.registerReceiver with RECEIVER_EXPORTED/RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED option
Update to '' and 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.7.22'
Upgrade Android Studio to Giraffe | 2022.3.1 - but with Gradle-JDK using jdk-15
Whats new in aTalk 3.2.4
Add user selectable option 'Delete account on server' when user remove an account; user must login to perform this action
While user is login, changing local password will also change password on the server
Upgrade smack library to version 4.4.7
Remove Desktop, SIP and ICQ protocols and preference settings support
Remove aTalk unused codec, audio system and unused classes: portaudio, pulseaudio, quicktime, and video4Linux
Build openssl jni library without installing the man document
Whats new in aTalk 3.2.1
Use JNI native codec bcg729 with added for VAD and DTX
Fix incorrect g722 codecs entries in FMJPluginConfiguration settings
Add support to handle embedded Transport-info in the session-accept from pidgin
Interchange the call receive popup message buttons locations between 'Dismiss' and 'Answer'
For Conversations 2.12.2 compatibility, use RSA 'TLS Certificate Signature Algorithm' only e.g. "SHA256withRSA"
For aTalk selects ECDSA for better secure DTLS encryption call e.g. "SHA256withECDSA"
Whats new in aTalk 3.1.7
LocaleHelper must not return ContextWrapper instance and use in supper.attachBaseContext(instance); ActivityThread.handleReceiver re-cast app.getBaseContext() to ContextImpl, and both ContextImpl and ContextWrapper are subclass of Context giving rise to java.lang.ClassCastException
Whats new in aTalk 3.1.5
Upgrade aTalk to support android Tiramisu API-33
Always show video call option: perform runtime CAMERA permission request if required
Enhance incoming jingle-Message and legacy jingle-Rtp calls handling for all the android states.
Include the optional 'confirm' child extension in HttpAuthorizationRequest IQ response
Support heads-up notifications and multiple instances of HttpAuthorizationRequest received
Need to take care DomainBareJid instance in mamQuery
Fix GPC FFR where possible since 3.1.4
Whats new in aTalk 3.1.4
Port aTalk BOSH implementation to be compatible with smack v4.4.6
Fix first offline message not shown when HistoryLog is disabled and ChatSession not launched
Use valid date in mamQuery for new muc creation; -30 days if none found
Proceed to sync state even if jingle file send remote cancel failed
Check file exist before proceed to check mimeType and send file; android tmp directory may return non-existence file path
Upgrade jni libraries: ffmpeg 5.1.2; libvpx 1.13.0; openssl-1.1.1t; speex-1.2.1
Whats new in aTalk 3.1.1
Update ice4j v3.0 to be compatible with android <= API-26; i.e. media call is now compatible with android-5.0
Show user error message when ZRTP handshake protocol timeout (too many retries)
Whats new in aTalk 3.0.5
Fix Heads-up notification for incoming chat message on android-12
Fix incoming call UI not shown when android is in locked screen on android-12
JingleMessage incoming 'propose' will accept via heads-up notification except in locked screen
Jingle incoming call will accept via ReceivedCall UI when in focus/locked screen; else via heads-up notification
Fix prematurely termination of incoming call alert
Fix incorrect display of the callee who has accepted the JingleMessage propose call
Whats new in aTalk 3.0.2
Enhance share streetMap implementation for gms (playstore) and osm (fdroid) support
Improve share streetMap UI, add altitude and user share option
Rename "send cont...." button text to "Follow me"; text flashes when active
Replace gms LocationRequest with GeoLocationRequest class for bundle passing
Replace gms FusedLocationProviderClient for location request; use device best location provider instead
Revert to android API-32; API-33 invalidates a lot of the android attributes
Whats new in aTalk 3.0.1
Implement Jingle Event class to handle event-killed sent from server
Wait for session-terminate response before unregister Jingle Session Handler
Do not send session-terminate stanza after the call has disconnected
Improve AndroidUsingLinkProperties implementation and error handling
Default to enable 'Auto generate resource' option, avoiding resource conflict in multiple devices login
Ensure user option buttons are visible during file transfer process
Upgrade to support android API-33
Whats new in aTalk 2.9.6
Enhance UI when file transfer is via Jingle File Transfer protocol...
Allow recipient to cancel active incoming file offer after user has accepted
Fix aTalk crashes when sender cancels an outgoing file offer in waiting
Ensure UI are properly updated for both sender and recipient, when sender cancels outgoing file offer
Do not purge media content for file sending, may be used for multiple send instances
Fix file transfer with thumbnail supported feature missing
upgrade smack library to use v4.4.6
Whats new in aTalk 2.9.5
Implement call waiting to accept a second incoming call by placing the in-progress call on hold; and allow switching between calls
Launch verification dialog for any Undecided Omemo Identity during Jingle File Transfer/JET session
Fix Jingle File Transfer failure due to NPE
Restore local video call state on returning to call
Allow adding of a video content during an audio only call session
Fix long pause during login process and call setup at time, caused by dnsQuery using inactive network
Whats new in aTalk 2.8.0
Migrate aTalk to use Camera2 API
Enhance video streaming with higher frame rate; and smoother display on rotation
Fix remote video full screen view when call started in landscape mode
Check android hardware encoder is supported before its use
Fix both the VP8/VP9 DePacketizer frame sync algorithm problem
Fix exception' in chat message session window display on some cases
Disable MediaRecorder support for aTalk
Upgrade smack to version 4.4.4
Upgrade build to support android-12(s) i.e. API-31
Whats new in aTalk 2.7.0
Add proxy support in HTTP File Upload
Action menu items is now highlighted on click
Prompt user for action if SASL-External authentication failed on invalid client certificate
Disable auto start option on Boot for >=android-10
Migrations to use Theme.AppCompat, AppCompatActivity PreferenceFragmentCompat, ActivityResultContracts implementations etc
Change quiet time dialog implementation to work with androidx DialogFragment
Whats new in aTalk 2.6.4
Fix problem when "Chat history logging" option is disabled, any file transfer session will purge all the logged messages.
Fix chat messages view is not updated properly when more history messages are being fetched with user scrolling up.
Ensure file transfer status is consistently being reported even after resume from chat session closed.
Two consecutive File Transfer History messages should not be merged, else the second media file will not be shown.
Whats new in aTalk 2.6.3
Support VP9Encoder dynamic resolution change on device rotation, without destroy/re-init codec
Upgrade libraries: smack to v4.4.3; opus to v1.3.1; speex to v1.2.0, and ogg to v1.3.5
Cleanup Spanish language translation
Fix NPE from field due to (mediaServiceImpl == null) in SettingActivity
Whats new in aTalk 2.6.2
Implement youtube player using IFrame Player API to avoid video link extraction error, and support playlist playback
Use fragments for both exoPlayer and youtubePlayer playback, allowing chat view and video playback coexistence
Implement and support VP9 codec for media call data streaming
Whats new in aTalk 2.6.1
Enhance h264 codec to support android device rotation during media call
Support ExoPlayer playback with smooth transition on android device rotation, and upgrade ExoPlayer to v2.13.3
Upgrade libraries versions for: ffmpeg (v4.4) and x264 (v161.3049)
Upgrade vpx library version to v1.10.0
Upgrade openssl library version to 1.1.1k
Whats new in aTalk 2.6.0
Enhance video streaming handler during media call on device rotation (require vp8 codec), and camera switching; improve SRTP Replay Protection reliability, and smooth transition in video playback.
Check for valid IP Address entry in user STUN/TURN setting.
Cancel vibrator immediately and show accept status upon call accepted by user.
Default enable VP8 codec and set as first priority; and video resolution to "720x480".
Fix camera JNI error when camera resolution is set to 720x480.
Whats new in aTalk 2.5.1
Enable ExoPlayer advance features for playback repeat and speed etc
Allow ExoPlayer to play back media audio url link
Prevent multiple ExoPlayer instances get created when the screen is rotated
Fix system crashes on screen rotation for OS < android-N
Whats new in aTalk 2.5.0
Add ExoPlayer for video media files or youtube media links play back
Image content display via embedded glide or external image view application
Improve process handlers for "Regenerate OMEMO identities", "Purge unused identities" and "Purge Corrupted OmemoKey"
Display alert dialog on Corrupted Omemo IdentityKeyPair; advice user to manually Regenerate omemo identities if the problem persist
Whats new in aTalk 2.4.7
Fix chat session abort: must only register ActivityResultContracts in onCreate cycle and not in onNewIntent
Must re-init the option menu items in group chat session upon user joins the conference e.g. after captcha challenge
Include validity check for user account in new account creation
Change background light-color theme from grey50 to grey200
Whats new in aTalk 2.4.6
Fix file sharing failed when sending thumbnail on request; smack throws NPE without max-age attribute in BoBData stanza
Migrate all the StartActivityForResult calls to new android ActivityResultContract implementations
Fix aTalk crashes due to NPE from field report for v2.4.5
Whats new in aTalk 2.4.5
Fix UPnP for android-8.0(O) API-26 and above: Cleartext HTTP traffic not permitted in UPnP gateway getDescription
Clean up and optimize call to weupnp library
Android getMimeType for URI Unicode support; need to revert "%3A"%2F+" to ":/%20" after URLEncoder.encode
Upgrade smack library to v4.4.0
Whats new in aTalk 2.4.4
Get actual media filename and extension of content:scheme uri before before sending
Enhance android get mime type to support uri with Unicode characters
Purge any empty contact in the DB, to avoid exception
Fix uPnP Harvester implementation in ice4j dependency weupnp lib android incompatibility
Must regenerate a new ZIDSalt if none is defined for the current user account
Use correct play-pause icon in Events UI for ring tone playback
Whats new in aTalk 2.4.3
Fix 'SSL Certificate' access crashes due to NetworkOnMainThread Exception when an IP address is specified
Improve Omemo regeneration process to include fixes for mismatched fingerprints, and correct new device Id init process error
PubSubManager must include userJid in parameter passing in order to purge unused pubsub nodes and items on server
Fix the field's ANR and crashes problems feedback in android console (v2.4.2)
Upgrade to support android-11 (R)
Whats new in aTalk 2.4.2
Relocate aTalk files save directory to /Download/aTalk (android-Q), to avoid user data being purged by OS when aTalk is uninstalled
Update aTalk media player UI to distinguish between pause and stop states
Upgrade Smack to version 4.4.0-beta2
Upgrade aTalk to support android-11(R) API-30
Whats new in aTalk 2.4.1
Fix 'Unsupported path': android-Q enforces deprecated getExternalStorageDirectory method, making it inaccessible to aTalk
Whats new in aTalk 2.4.0
Removed and merged 'Remove certificate' option into SSL Certificate in Settings menu
Upgrade to zrtp-light:4.1.2: Fix ZRTP X25519 key exchange error etc
Cleanup contact 'Move to group' associated handlers
Fix TLS client certificate info display problem due to API-29 webview problem
Upgrade to smack 4.4.0-beta1
Upgrade to HttpClient 5.0 replacing deprecated library
Add new UI language support i.e. Português (Brasil)
Whats new in aTalk 2.3.4
Fix Vibrator not stop after an incoming call is rejected or answered via Jingle-Message
'Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT)' throws by mm-qcamera-daemon (libc in Android 10; ONEPLUS A3003); fixed by camera permission denied. Otherwise aTalk locks in splash screen
Eliminates the need to init and store the Root Metal-Contact Group in DB
Remove patches in Media Recorder and Android Camera System classes
Whats new in aTalk 2.3.2
Add new recent conversations UI in main pager slider
Fix login failure when server override option is enabled
When a chat room is destroyed, all associated chat messages and session are purged from database.
Show call history list in descending order of the call time stamp
Whats new in aTalk 2.3.0
Implement full-screen intent for android-10, wake device from standby on incoming call
Implement XEP-0353: Jingle Message Initiation
Use rtp/rtcp channel multiplex for media call; auto detect for clients without rtcp-mux support
Enhance media call to be compatible with Conversations
Make OTR interoperable with pidgin and fix call problem (4 x session-accept)
Remove 'Miss Call Notification' from android notification channel, handle via 'Call Notification'
Whats new in aTalk 2.2.5
Implemented DTLS_SRTP with DTLSv12 protocols compatibility and new Cipher Suites support
Fix STUN/TURN editor crashes when saved User Name and Password are null
Highlight user selected item in contact, chatRoom and call history list window
Fix crash when joining a remote server chat room with occupants
Upgrade libraries to latest ice4j-2.0.0-20190607.184546-36 and bouncycastle jdk15on_1.65
Fix crashes in aTalk releases for v2.2.4/v2.2.3 FFR from fields
Whats new in aTalk 2.2.4
Display contacts order by presence status main window
Ensure hide offline contact list get updated on contact presence status changes
Text to Speech remains active even when chat session not in focus
Ensure consistency in UI text display as per user selected language
Fix user selected Language reset by web view for android-N and above
Show call history records in main pager selection
Add new language support for Slovak
Whats new in aTalk 2.2.3
Implement TTS and speech recognition UI with enable option per chat session
Enhance ComboBox UI to allow user chatroom entry and selection popup
No retry on entry to chat session on previously failed HTTP Download (ANR)
Improve isHttpFileDnLink check to minimize incorrect display file download UI
Fix ChatRoom Configuration UI crashes on screen rotation
Show video/call buttons if supported by any one contact login
aTalk minimum android OS support is API-21 (android 5.0 Lollipop)
Whats new in aTalk 2.2.2
Enhance create/join chat room UI: refresh fields and allow user password entry
Support room join on cross domain server, default room creation with OMEMO support
Support room configuration by owner
Display an error message in chat instead of a pop-up alert dialog when user canceled Captcha challenge on joining room
Fix CaptchaDialog race condition when user canceled challenge but still triggering a retry popup
Make fingerprinting of ZRTP connections harder with different ZID per user callee
Whats new in aTalk 2.2.1
Add user themes support
Add heads-up notification disable option
Support img src tag in xhtml message
Share links of social media (youtube) are tagged with thumbnail and title
Add group chat features: erase history and GPS location share
Get contact last-seen in new thread to avoid ANR
Upgrade ZRTP crypto algorithms with SHA-2 384, 256b ciphers AES-256 & TWOFISH-256, and elliptic Curve 25519
Enhance SDES encrypt with AES 256 and AES 192, use openSSL AES-256 acceleration
Whats new in aTalk 2.2.0
Add TLS client Cert authentication
Auto-accept content download share via http file upload
Wake aTalk and show dialog on invitation
Improve captcha protected room UI
Add heads-up notification and quite hours
Prefix X on undelivered message in merged messages
Show corrected message over original message
Send message via CTRL-ENTER from KBD
Use 5s wait time to avoid long ANR on server response
Add ZRTP-Hash element checking
Fix incorrect chat session launch on selected contact/chatroom at times
Whats new in aTalk 2.1.6
Add audio media player: Play, Pause, Resume, Stop and Seek
Standardize date Time info in all view types
Chat invite dialog allow group expansion, fix incorrect highlight cotact and system crash
Fix camera toggling error, partial deletion of last file sent/received messages
Fix view scroll to top when last sent/received message is deleted
Fix incorrect mime type detection for file with Unicode characters
Fix exceptions from Field Failure Report for aTalk v2.1.5
Upgrade openSSL to version 1.0.2u
Whats new in aTalk 2.1.5
Rename share intent to aTalk
Improve chat room captcha challenge request UI and allow user retry
Improve AEC performance to minimize audio howling
Cleanup ZRTP Cipher info incorrect display
Fix chat room list view with empty item being displayed at times
Fix system crash when user login with empty password
Whats new in aTalk 2.1.4
Add Share, Quote and Forward options for message and media contents
Preview media contents of attachments for confirmation before sending
Full XEP-0071 implementation for OMEMO messages
Fix chatRoom Bookmarks Dialog crashes
Include all received media and outgoing tmp files in user deletion
Return chat view to the top of last deleted message group after message deletion
Migrate aTalk to new directory structure
Whats new in aTalk 2.1.0
Enhance Event UI and add support allowing user defined ring tone for the event
Allow user to manual update avatar in contact list when user is not online
Make xml error messages more human readable and link clickable in login Reason field
Launch login prompt when user is disconnected due to multiple instances login
Update Thumbnail class to confirm to XEP-0264 Jingle Content Thumbnails v0.4 release
Update smack library to v4.4.0-alpha3-SNAPSHOT release
Whats new in aTalk 2.0.6
Auto send last omemo message once all undecided omemo Devices are authenticated by user, else display error message
Improve account UI allowing user to change user Name; warn user if resulted in old messages being purged
Hide contact context menu i.e. 'Remove Contact' and 'Move to group' when user is not online
Allow user removal of volatile contacts with exception of DomainBareJid; manual purge messages if desired.
Add support to display error messages received from conference room
Whats new in aTalk 2.0.5
Implement user options to cancel, retry and display progress during file downloading
Ensure proper File Download clean up if user exit chat session without cancel file transfer in progress
File transfer may incorrectly send to last registered user instead of intended recipient
Improve UI display on participant join and subject change events
Revert to chat NORMAL if current chat session cannot support the default chat OMEMO on open
Support the display of messages receive from server
Whats new in aTalk 2.0.4
Improve preference settings UI and add advance section
Change Regenerate OMEMO identities implementation to have change take effect without restart app
Extend OMEMO key bundles index range check to allow for prekey ID = 0
Fix aTalk hangs in endless loop when user exit while an unsuccessful login is still in progress
Close Subscription Authorization Request Dialog only on user response to prompt options
Show mic muted state in media call if RECORD_AUDIO permission is not granted
Whats new in aTalk 2.0.3
Implement XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts support with user enable/disable option
Implement XEP-0012: Last Activity support to show the time of the last activity associated with a contact
Whats new in aTalk 2.0.0
Harmonize aTalk UI
Enhance presence status indicators
OMEMO session proper setup with undecided omemoDevices
Alert user of undelivered OMEMO message
Fix Omemo Identity regenerate option
Remove unused OTR options
OTR links now response to user clicks
Hide OTR menu when contact is offline
Add OTR multi-sessions switcher
Fix 'Erase this contact/chatRoom history'
Enable 'Send attachment' option in conference
Minimum installed android OS is 4.4 (KitKat)
Whats new in aTalk 1.8.5
Add web access to main page slider for company RSS feed or news sharing - default access to movim
Add user option to specify default web access page in settings
Description of aTalk (Jabber / XMPP)
aTalk - xmpp client for android rich in features:
* Instant messaging in plain text and E2E encryption with OMEMO or OTR
* SSL Certificate, DNSSEC and DANE for secure Connection Establishment
* OMEMO Media File Sharing for all files contents
* Fault-tolerance file transfer algorithm, ease with sharing reliability
* File sharing for all document types and images with thumbnail preview
* Support unread message badges in contact and chat room UI
* User defined option for quite hours
* Support Text to Speech and speech recognition for chat session
* XEP-0012: Last Activity time associated with contacts
* XEP-0048: Bookmarks for conference room and autoJoin on login
* XEP-0070: Verifying HTTP Requests via XMPP entity for user authentication
* XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications
* XEP-0124: BOSH with Proxy support
* XEP-0178: Use of SASL EXTERNAL with TLS Certificates authentication
* XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts with user enable/disable option
* XEP-0251: Support Unattended and Attended Jingle call session transfer
* XEP-0313: Message Archive Management
* XEP-0391: JET for OMEMO encrypted media file sharing
* Call waiting, placing current call on hold; switching between calls
* Implement Jabber VoIP-PBX gateway Telephony support
* Integrated Captcha protected room user interface with retry on failure
* Support media call with ZRTP, SDES and DTLS SRTP encryption
* GPS-Location implementation standalone tool, send locations to your desired buddy for real-time tracking or playback animation
* A 360° street view of your current location use for self-guided tour
* Built-in demo for GPS-Location features
* Integrated photo editor with zooming and cropping for avatar
* Last message correction, message carbons and offline messages
* In-Band Registration with captcha option support
* Multiple accounts support
* Dark and light Themes support
* Multi-language support (Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese Simplify, English, German, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak and Spanish)
* Privacy Policy:
Video and Screenshosts of aTalk

Other aTalk APK versions for Android
aTalk 4.0.1
64.59 MB
aTalk 3.4.0
64.59 MB
aTalk 3.3.0
42.24 MB
aTalk 3.2.4
40.96 MB
aTalk 3.2.1
41.22 MB
aTalk 3.1.7
41.05 MB
aTalk 3.1.5
41.08 MB
aTalk 3.1.4
40.95 MB
aTalk 3.1.1
40.54 MB
aTalk 3.0.5
40.54 MB
aTalk 3.0.2
39.51 MB
aTalk 3.0.1
39.41 MB
aTalk 2.9.6
39.29 MB
aTalk 2.9.5
39.22 MB
aTalk 2.8.0
38.5 MB
aTalk 2.7.0
38.35 MB
aTalk 2.6.4
38.33 MB
aTalk 2.6.3
38.05 MB
aTalk 2.6.2
38.01 MB
aTalk 2.6.1
37.16 MB
aTalk 2.6.0
19.14 MB
aTalk 2.5.1
18.76 MB
aTalk 2.5.0
18.64 MB
aTalk 2.4.7
16.71 MB
aTalk 2.4.6
16.71 MB
aTalk 2.4.5
16.68 MB
aTalk 2.4.4
16.63 MB
aTalk 2.4.3
16.63 MB
aTalk 2.4.2
16.63 MB
aTalk 2.4.1
16.61 MB
aTalk 2.4.0
16.61 MB
aTalk 2.3.4
16.14 MB
aTalk 2.3.2
16.06 MB
aTalk 2.3.0
16.09 MB
aTalk 2.2.5
16.07 MB
aTalk 2.2.4
15.72 MB
aTalk 2.2.3
15.68 MB
aTalk 2.2.2
15.62 MB
aTalk 2.2.1
15.6 MB
aTalk 2.2.0
15.6 MB
aTalk 2.1.6
14.62 MB
aTalk 2.1.5
14.59 MB
aTalk 2.1.4
14.59 MB
aTalk 2.1.0
14.43 MB
aTalk 2.0.6
14.55 MB
aTalk 2.0.5
14.55 MB
aTalk 2.0.4
14.46 MB
aTalk 2.0.3
18.37 MB
aTalk 2.0.0
14.4 MB
aTalk 1.8.5
27.12 MB

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