- Version: 6.0.0
Version Code: 60024
Package: - 10.45 MB (10,956,436 bytes)
- Android 4.0+
- x86
- file hash (MD5):
5bfdf11aa2fa1efbb9d2a173ddc044b3 - file signature (SHA1):
BA8F9725606919412FAD4A70D99D085051FB4703 - Permissions (12)
- Uploaded 2017/12/08
by 9GAG - Warning detected: in quene...
- Social
- GooglePlay
Whats new
Happy 2019 my friend!
Fixed crash
Removed phone login, not supporting anymore
Showing groups in Home tab, posts in Explorer tab
Comment reply will be first level only
Some bug fixes
• 1 on 1 chat is removed – we want to focus on public chat/discussion experience• "My Groups" feed on Home tab → "Hot & New" feed of all groups• "New" ordering in Groups → "Last Replied & Trending" ordering
5.1.5- Bug fixes in group, where wrong post may be opened5.1.4- Show group post hot/new5.1.3- Shown avatar of commenters5.1.2- Fixed crash on 4.x devices5.1.1- Some UI fixes5.1.0- "Come to the dark side, we have cookies."5.0.0- Show group feed in home page- Added back comment upvote, removed give cookie to post, comment or profile
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Be warned: time has been known to quicken in this realm.
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