Updated the app to the latest World Magnetic Model 2025. Additionally, we released a new high-resolution magnetic model, the World Magnetic Model High Resolution, which provides a more accurate representation of Earth's magnetic field than WMM.
For more information, visit https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/world-magnetic-model
Updated the app to the latest World Magnetic Model 2025. Additionally, we released a new high-resolution magnetic model, the World Magnetic Model High Resolution, which provides a more accurate representation of Earth's magnetic field than WMM.
For more information, visit https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/world-magnetic-model
Updated tutorial links
* Introducing an attractive new web map for contributed data.
* Added Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement.
* Added 1 second polling rate (on newer androids it might be slower, as in every 5 seconds)
* Recording now asks for permission from the user to use an alarm
Increased total number of allowed Magpoints per Magtivity to accommodate longer flights.
Updated the compass tab and added haptic feedback.
Introducing CrowdMag's newest feature: Flight Mode, which lets you contribute to scientific research by measuring the magnetic field as you fly around the world. To get started, simply provide your itinerary on the CrowdMag app, and you'll be able to turn your flight into a scientific expedition. Check out this step-by-step tutorial for measuring data while flying: https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/data/tiny-tutorials/crowdmag-flight-mode .
Introducing CrowdMag's newest feature: Flight Mode, which lets you contribute to scientific research by measuring the magnetic field as you fly around the world. To get started, simply provide your itinerary on the CrowdMag app, and you'll be able to turn your flight into a scientific expedition. Check out this step-by-step tutorial for measuring data while flying: https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/data/tiny-tutorials/crowdmag-flight-mode .
Introducing CrowdMag's newest feature: Flight Mode, which lets you contribute to scientific research by measuring the magnetic field as you fly around the world. To get started, simply provide your itinerary on the CrowdMag app, and you'll be able to turn your flight into a scientific expedition. Check out this step-by-step tutorial for measuring data while flying: https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/data/tiny-tutorials/crowdmag-flight-mode .
* New 3D compass
* Improved Magtivity recording
* Bug fixes
* New privacy policy in settings
* New 3D compass
* Improved Magtivity recording
* Bug fixes
* New privacy policy in settings
Fixing reporting problems
* Magtivity summary view in my data section
* K-index more accurately calculated and represented in compass
* Tutorial section added to the Settings tab
* 3 seconds polling rate removed
Fixed bug in compass tab where if declination is negative it would show two negative signs.
* Added new Pause feature
* Added World Magnetic Model and EMAG magnetic map layers
Making the battery saver warning message less abrasive
Create your own Magtivity (magnetic activity)! Also updated to the latest World Magnetic Model (WMM2020)
We squashed a big bug which was crashing CrowdMag on newer phones. We apologize for our error. Thanks for being a CrowdMag citizen scientist !
Clearing my data, will now not delete your status.
Clearing my data, will now not delete your status.
Fixed timestamp issue in sqllite.
Introducing CrowdMag's newest feature: Flight Mode, which lets you contribute to scientific research by measuring the magnetic field as you fly around the world. To get started, simply provide your itinerary on the CrowdMag app, and you'll be able to turn your flight into a scientific expedition. Check out this step-by-step tutorial for measuring data while flying: https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/data/tiny-tutorials/crowdmag-flight-mode.
CrowdMag is an app that lets you measure the local magnetic field using your smartphone. You can view the data as a graph or a map in nanotesla units. CrowdMag measures the Z (downward component), H (horizontal intensity), and F (total intensity) magnetic field components. You can use CrowdMag for measuring magnetic data during outdoor activities, while flying, or to conduct your own experiments. You can also share it with NOAA to help scientists better understand Earth's magnetic field.
If you're going for a walk, run, or other outdoor activities, you can use CrowdMag to measure the magnetic data along your path and save it as a "magtivity." And, if you get a new phone, don't worry! You can export a backup of your CrowdMag data and save it on your computer. This way, if you have to reset your phone or switch to a new one, you can import your backup and continue using CrowdMag without losing your data or progress.
CrowdMag also has a magnetic calculator that provides magvar (declination), the magnetic field's dip angle, total magnetic field, and other magnetic field components based on the latest World Magnetic Model (WMM2020). Some of the other features of CrowdMag include creating your own magtivities, customizing recording frequency and location accuracy, exporting your data via email or Google Drive, and seeing generalized crowdsourced magnetic data from other users.
And, before we forget, CrowdMag also features a compass that distinctly shows both true and magnetic north. As an added feature, the compass also has a 3D display with an optional audio output - check it out!
CrowdMag features:
* Create your own magnetic activity (called a "magtivity")
* Measure data while flying
* Customize recording frequency and location accuracy to your preferences
* View your magnetic data on an interactive Google Map
* Graph your data as a time series line chart
* Check the quality of your data by comparing it with the World Magnetic Model (WMM)
* Export your data as a CSV file
* Clear stored data on your phone when you want to start fresh
* Choose to share your data with NOAA (optional)
* See generalized crowdsourced magnetic data from other users
* Use the live magnetic compass for 2D and 3D rendering
* View information about the current solar magnetic disturbance
* Use the most up-to-date magnetic field model (WMM2020)
* Export your data via email, Google Drive, or other options
* Export a CrowdMag backup to save your contributions' status and data
* Import your CrowdMag backup (works across different phone platforms)
Visit https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/crowdmag-magnetic-data to see crowdsourced magnetic data.