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Smart UITheme Setting-Background Color,Font Size,Font Style,Day Night Mode.BookmarksHistoryDictionary
Smart UITheme Setting-Background Color,Font Size,Font Style,Day Night Mode.BookmarksHistoryDictionary
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Simple and Clean UI
Simple and Clean UI
Notes,quiz,blog and videos of digital circuit & system for electrical & electronics almost cover all important topics which are given below
Chapter 1. Number Systems
1. Numbering Systems & codes
2. Binary arithmetic
3. Boolean algebra
4. Minimization of switching function
5. Prime Implicants
6. Karnaugh Maps
7. Quine-McClusky method
8. Cases with don't care terms
Chapter 2. Logic Gates
1. Introduction to logic gates
2. Universal gate
3. Half adder
4. Full Adder
5. Half Subtractor
6. Full Subtractor
7. Series & parallel addition
8. Binary Coded Decimal adders
9. Carry Lookahead Adders
Chapter 3. Linear wave shaping circuits
1. Linear wave shaping circuits
2. Bistable
3. Monostable & Astable multivibrator
4. Schmitt trigger circuits & Schmitt-Nand gates
5. Logic families
6. Gated flip-flops and gated multivibrator
7. Interfacing between TTL to MOS
Chapter 4. Encoders, Decoders
1. Decoder
2. Encoder
3. Multiplexer
4. Demultiplexer
5. Semiconductor memory
6. Introduction to Shift Registers
7. Counters
8. Synchronous & asynchronous counters
Chapter 5. Analog, Digital converters
1. Digital to analog converter
2. Analog to Digital converters
3. sample & hold circuits
4. V-F converter