- New channels added.
- New languages added; now supporting 36 languages.
- Bug fix for remaining time when less than 1 hour.
- A help section was added to the notification panel for Samsung users with One UI 6.1 or later who cannot view notification categories.
- Core app update.
- Improved card display on tablets and phones.
- Navigation icons update.
- New notification channels.
- Store icons update.
- Translation updates.
- Tablet and laptop screens are now set to landscape mode.
- Improved and corrected image displays for tablets and phones.
- Enhanced component loading.
- Free games are now marked as redeemed.
- You can now long tap any promotion card to mark it as redeemed or unredeemed.
- Notification groups listed for better organization.
Internal update required for policy compliance.
-Improved the connection and connection attempts to our databases for users with unstable internet.
-Added options to hide the connection message in the menu.
-New section.
-Modified channels for the new section.
-Fixed bugs.
-The browser no longer closes when you put it in the background.
-14 new language translations, bringing the total to 19 languages.
-Some existing translations were changed.
The browser no longer closes when you put it in the background.
14 new language translations, bringing the total to 19 languages.
Some existing translations were changed.
New notification channels were added.
New stores were added.
Some visual bugs were fixed.
-Updated app core due to store policies.
-Added new stores to the app.
-Added new categories of notifications.
-Icons were changed.
A total of 30 notification channels were added so you can choose the promotions you want to receive.
Optimized the loading of components in general.
Added new shop icons.
Added a loading window that appears in certain situations.
-Improved the loading stability of the application.
-Added translations.
-Changed translations.
-Minor design changes.
-Fixed a bug with notification messages.
-Improved the speed of the application.
-Reduction of 50% application size.
-Improved Web loading.
-Updated application core.
-Added translations.
-Important improvement. The application now updates the games without having to restart every time you minimize it.
-Significant improvement. Now you can hide the finished promotions.
-Now you can hide the message of updating games.
-Improved the transition time when opening the browser.
-Improved help in case you can't connect to the app.
-Added and improved translations.
-Improved the options menu.
-Functional buttons in the promotions.
-Load optimization.
-Reduced file weight.
-Extra information was added to the promotions.
-Application performance was improved.
-Improved application stability.
-Improved display of notifications.
-Updated the core of the application.
-Added new translations.
-Added a menu with new options.
-Solves the update problem that the previous version had.
App launch