Hi, here we provide you APK file of "Erase Background from photo" apk file version: 1.2 to download and install for your android. It's easy and warranty.
Version: 1.2 Version Code: 3 Package: com.mobile.bizo.bgeraser 23.95 MB (25,114,325 bytes) Android 2.3+ ARM7 ARM6 x86 mips file hash (MD5): e0dca938449b055c3af5120058885935 file signature (SHA1): 56EAFDB6B946444BB5E8638F436FC9E76AC0C6C3 Permissions (5) INTERNET ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Uploaded 2017/06/07 by Bizo Mobile Warning detected: in quene... Photography GooglePlay Whats new
Erase Background from Photo app allow you remove backgrounds from any of your pictures. Put your best selfie anywhere in the world! It will create silhouette in simple way. Just select colors form the background (using red marker) and colors from the element you want to keep (using green marker). We are using special algorithm that is much easier to use and more effective than lasso tool. You do not have to select the whole body silhouette any more, clipping is automatic (looks like magic trick)! Of course, if you need, there is possible also to use traditional erase tool. Behind your result pic will be transparency color. Thanks that it will be very easy to put yourself on other photo or view. Imagine that you can add yourself in front of Eiffel Tower or beautiful beach! Our background eraser is perfect for this purpose! Then you can change the background using your background replacer app, check out "Put yourself on Photo" app.