Android version 9 bo'lgan telefonlardagi muammo bartaraf etildi
Ba'zi kamchiliklar tzatildi
Ba'zi kamchiliklar tuzatildi
Ba'zi kamchiliklar tuzatildi
Ba'zi kamchiliklar to'g'irlandi
Ba'zi xatoliklar tuzatildi
- Hamkorbank mijozlari kreditlari (grafik va to'lov) haqidagi to'liq ma'lumotlar qo'shildi, qolaversa, shu yerning o'zidan ushbu kreditni ham to'lash mumkin
- To'lovlardagi ko'rinish esa qulay holatga keltirildi.
- Complete information on loans (schedule and payment) of Hamkorbank clients has been added, and you can also repay the loan right there
- The payment interface has become more convenient
New features in Hamkor Mobile!
Now, when sending from card to card, you can see the last 10 payments, including the card numbers to which funds were transferred.
Bugs were fixed;
Bugs fixed;
Fixed bugs;
Fixed bugs;
Fixed bugs;
We launched monitoring of cards, which can be accessed through the "My cards" section.
Исправили баги;
Оптимизировали шаги при регистрации.
Install Hamkor: All the features you love and more! Download the updated app to keep working