Hi, here we provide you APK file of "Joyalukkas" apk file version: 9.1 to download and install for your android. It's easy and warranty.
- Version: 9.1
Version Code: 71
Package: app.bank.joyalukasapp - 70.35 MB (73,769,254 bytes)
- Android 7.1.1+
- -
- file hash (MD5):
e46d75e49790159c10dc9acf1d9339ff - file signature (SHA1):
11B7E69195976BC446A3B5C8E4CA75F5CC309277 - Uploaded 2024/30/12
by Joyalukkas - Warning detected: in quene...
- Business
- GooglePlay
Whats new
What’s New
Version No. 5.7
- Faster payments with “Easy Gold Advance”menu using Debit & Credit cards.
- Instantly freeze your Gold rate for up to 180 days with the revised "Gold rate protection menu".
- Initially rolled out for customers in the Middle East.
Thank you for the update.