Landsbankinn 16.0.2

Hi, here we provide you APK file of "Landsbankinn" apk file version: 16.0.2 to download and install for your android. It's easy and warranty.
  • Version: 16.0.2
    Version Code: 356
    Package: is.landsbankinn.personal
  • 64.28 MB (67,401,055 bytes)
  • Android 7.1.1+
  • ARM8 ARM7 ARM6 x86_64 x86 mips mips64
  • file hash (MD5):
  • file signature (SHA1):
  • Permissions (19)
  • Uploaded 2022/16/04
    by Landsbankinn
  • Warning detected: in quene...
  • Finance
  • GooglePlay
Whats new in Landsbankinn 23.4.0
Bankareikningar: Laga birtingu á færsluviðmóti.
Stofnun bankareiknings: Lagfæring á ferli.
Markaðir: Laga texta um gengi hlutabréfa.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 23.3.3
Umsókn um íbúðarlán og endurfjármögnun.
Vöktun korta, nýtt útlit.
Ógreiddir reikningar: setja upp beingreiðslusamning frá ýtarupplýsingum.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 23.0.0
Lífeyrissparnaður - nýtt útlit og virkni
Breyta kortaheimild - nýtt útlit
Lagfæring á vandamálum tengd því að skipta um notanda
Ógreiddir reikningar - hópa beingreiðslusamninga eftir eiganda
Whats new in Landsbankinn 22.2.3
Færsluhirðing, tölfræði.
Bankareikningar: vöktun með push skilaboðum.
Ógreiddir reikningar: hætta við framvirka greiðslu.
Kort: erlend fjárhæð + Aukakrónur í færslulista.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 22.0.0
Ógreiddir reikningar í nýju útliti og með sterkri sannvottun við greiðslu í stað PIN númers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 21.0.0
Millifæra úr öðrum banka
Bankareikningar: breyta heiti
Stillingar, samskipti: nýtt útlit
Whats new in Landsbankinn 20.7.1
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 20.6.1
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 20.5.0
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 20.2.3
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 19.2.4
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 19.1.3
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 18.1.2
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 18.0.0
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 17.8.6
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 17.6.7
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 17.5.0
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 17.2.0
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 17.1.1
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 16.0.2
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 13.0.2
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 12.4.58
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 12.4.53
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 12.2.1
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 12.2.0
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Whats new in Landsbankinn 12.0.22
Thank you for choosing the Landsbankinn app. To ensure high-quality performance, we update our app regularly.
All updates are intended to enhance functionality and improve the user experience for our customers.
Description of Landsbankinn
Immediately upon logging on, customers are presented with a clear and concise overview of their finances. Moving on, it is easy to access more details about each item. 

The log-on process is simple, relying on either finger scans, electronic ID or a user name and password.

The app allows you to:

- Apply for access to Landsbankinn banking.
- Achieve a comprehensive overview of your finances
- Check the balance of bank accounts
- Check the balance and transactions on credit cards 
- Change credit card limit
- Pay bills
- Transfer funds
- Make pre-payments to credit cards
- Retrieve PINs for debit and credit cards
- Establish and alter overdraft authorisations
- View loan summaries
- View information on loan limits
- View pension summaries
- View the balance of Aukakrónur and look for partners of the programme
- View electronic documents
- Check the balance and transactions on gift cards
- Find service points and ATMs
- Calculate prices between currencies
- View securities portfolio
- Stock market information
- GSM refills

The Landsbankinn app is created and developed by Landsbankinn.
Screenshosts of Landsbankinn

Other Landsbankinn APK versions for Android

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