What's new in version 8.06:
We are introducing the new minimum OS requirements to ensure the app continues to be innovative and secure. Starting April 14, 2025, the future versions of the app will require Android 12 or higher. Please ensure your device is upgraded to continue receiving mobile app updates.
Send feedback to support@pagerduty.com
What's new in version 8.05:
- You can now view and edit Incident Types from the Incident Details Screen. Incident types allows organizations to define how specific incidents behave in order to align them with their bespoke operational processes—whether it’s a Major Incident or a Security Incident, or a custom type.
Send feedback to support@pagerduty.com
What's new in version 8.04:
You can now view and edit Incident Types from the Incident Details Screen. Incident types allows organizations to define how specific incidents behave in order to align them with their bespoke operational processes—whether it’s a Major Incident or a Security Incident, or a custom type.
What's new in version 8.03:
You can now view and edit Incident Types from the Incident Details Screen. Incident types allows organizations to define how specific incidents behave in order to align them with their bespoke operational processes—whether it’s a Major Incident or a Security Incident, or a custom type.
Send feedback to support@pagerduty.com
What's new in version 8.02:
You can now view and edit Incident Types from the Incident Details Screen. Incident types allows organizations to define how specific incidents behave in order to align them with their bespoke operational processes—whether it’s a Major Incident or a Security Incident, or a custom type.
Send feedback to support@pagerduty.com
What's new in version 8.01:
- You can now view and edit Incident Types from the Incident Details Screen. Incident types allows organizations to define how specific incidents behave in order to align them with their bespoke operational processes—whether it’s a Major Incident or a Security Incident, or a custom type.
Send feedback to support@pagerduty.com
What's new in version 7.99:
We've got some really cool things going on behind the scenes. Stay tuned!
Send feedback to support@pagerduty.com. Sign up for Early Access at https://www.pagerduty.com/early-access and select 'Mobile App Enhancements'
Default language - en-US
What's new in version 7.98:
- We've got some really cool things going on behind the scenes. Stay tuned!
Send feedback to support@pagerduty.com. Sign up for Early Access at https://www.pagerduty.com/early-access and select 'Mobile App Enhancements'
What's new in version 7.97:
- We've got some really cool things going on behind the scenes. Stay tuned!
Send feedback to support@pagerduty.com. Sign up for Early Access at https://www.pagerduty.com/early-access and select 'Mobile App Enhancements'
What's new in version 6.68:
- We're working behind the scenes on some great new features. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all the great feedback! Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.52:
- We're cooking up something special for you behind the scenes. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all the great feedback! Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.51:
- We're cooking up something special for you behind the scenes. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all the great feedback! Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.50:
- Added the ability to use existing custom notification rules.
- Fixed a bug where push notifications were sent even after removing the account.
Thanks for all the great feedback! Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.49:
- Bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.48:
- Fixed an issue for some of you who were being logged out.
- Fixed a couple broken menu items in Incident Details.
- We're working behind the scenes on some great new features. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all the great feedback! Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.44:
- A few small bug fixes to keep things running smoothly!
- We're working behind the scenes on some great new features. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all the great feedback! Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.42:
- Brace yourself, Fall is coming! We've done some Fall cleaning that will aid us in delivering you a better app.
- This is the first release that no longer supports Android Lollipop (5.0 - 5.1.1).
Thanks for all the great feedback! Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.37:
- Miscellaneous bugfixes
- We're backstage doing some behind-the-scenes work for new features!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.36:
- Want to know the recent code changes related to your incident? We gotchu - look for our new Change Events functionality in Service & Incident Details!*
- We're like chefs cooking behind-the-scene features in the back. Stay tuned!
*for certain plans only
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.36:
- Want to know the recent code changes related to your incident? We gotchu - look for our new Change Events functionality in Service & Incident Details!*
- We're like chefs cooking behind-the-scene features in the back. Stay tuned!
*for certain plans only
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in 6.33:
- mostly working on behind-the-scene features
What's new in 6.29:
- Introducing a new incident feature — Past Incidents! When history repeats itself, we can look to the past for solutions.
- More behind-the-scenes features cooking in the back!
Thank you for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.28:
- Incident priority is now visible on the business service details screen when it's disrupted.
- Fixed a permission error for some users trying to add an impacted business service to an incident.
- Still working away on some big features.
Thank you for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.23:
- Fixed a UI issue if you were multi-selecting a LOT of incidents!
- More behind-the-scenes features cooking in the back!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.22:
- More behind-the-scenes features cooking in the back!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.19:
- Ongoing work behind the scenes on new features.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.15:
- Miscellaneous bug fixes to make your life easier!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.14:
- Updated the list of country codes you’ll see when creating a new phone number/SMS contact method. Note: not all countries can be delivered to. Check your plan and be sure to test notifications before going on-call!
- Fixed some bugs on the Alerts screen, mostly removing things that don’t apply to Alerts.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.11:
- Working hard behind the scenes on new upcoming features.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s new in version 6.10:
- There was a bug where you could accidentally notify the same responder many times by tapping really fast. It’s fixed, but I still recommend slowing down and enjoying life. Great work, Aviva!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s new in version 6.08:
- More work going on behind the scenes for upcoming functionality!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s new in version 6.07:
- Login through custom browser through your enterprise's configuration
- Let it snow! Manual incident sync with an external system
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s new in version 6.05:
- Bug fixes and UI improvements
- On-going work behind the scenes on new features
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s new in version 6.04:
- Replaced some older icons with new ones. The old ones didn’t want to go, so we convinced them to go trick-or-treating and locked the door after they left.
- Fixed the Service Directory to consume less data. Thumbs up for healthier choices.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s new in version 6.03:
- We’ve got a cute new look for our contact card permissions screen. Yes that means more Pagey!
- Lots of behind the scenes work on bettering volume and dnd override functionality.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.02.1:
- Lots of work going on to make your notifications more reliable.
- Ongoing work behind the scenes on new features.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.01.1:
- Fixed a pesky crash
- You can now post resolution notes as status updates when resolving an incident
- Bug fixes and UI improvements
- On-going work behind the scenes on new features
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 6.0:
- We've been working on a mountain of new functionality and bug fixes so stay tuned.
- Talking about mountains, don't forget to register for Summit20: The virtual event for real-time digital ops professionals! Snow-cap it'll be fun, trust. Register for free: https://summit.pagerduty.com/global/begin
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.103:
- Service Directory now shows a list of impacting incidents for disrupted services *confetti all around*
- We now have a fancy new way to help you setup your notification rules right from the app!
- More behind-the-scenes features cooking away in our kitchen.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.102:
- We crushed-a-crash(TM) that was happening in the Accounts screen.
- We fixed a bug with clicking on links in Incident Details.
- We’re like chefs in a kitchen with some behind-the-scene features cooking in the back.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.101.2:
- Fixed a bug where empty resolution notes were appearing as “null”. You don’t have to worry about it anymore cause we’ve nulled the null bug.
- We’ve added some extra info to let you know when the last time your contact card was updated.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.100.2:
- You can escalate an incident from the menu in the incident detail screen
- You can also add resolution notes when resolving an incident now
- Fix push notification issues from the Settings screen with the new Troubleshoot Notifications feature
- Fixed push notification issues for LG devices
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.99.1:
- We fixed a bug with notes that contained empty messages
- You can now view incidents that impact a business service through the status dashboard!
- Bug fixes and ongoing work behind the scenes for upcoming functionality.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.98:
- Added support for better deep linking to PagerDuty from links and other apps.
- Bug fixes and ongoing work behind the scenes for upcoming functionality.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.97.3:
- Tapping on an on-call hand off push notification will now take you to its schedule!
- Adding support for more deep links into the app and fixing some bugs along the way.
- More work going on behind the scenes for upcoming functionality.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.96.2:
- Fixed push notification issues for OnePlus and Samsung devices
- Fixed a crash when trying to save your contact information
- More work going on behind the scenes for upcoming functionality
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.96.1:
- Fixed push notification issues for OnePlus and Samsung devices
- Fixed a crash when trying to save your contact information
- More work going on behind the scenes for upcoming functionality
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.95:
- Pagey has joined to help get you setup. Say hi the next time you login!
- We had some bugs that weren’t practicing proper social distancing so we made sure to put a mask on it.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.92:
- This week we continue behind the scenes work in preparation for upcoming functionality.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.92:
- This week we continue behind the scenes work in preparation for upcoming functionality.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.91:
- Got some nifty little arrows showing up in Service Details, so if you were confused before, just keep clicking away. It doesn’t bite, we promise!
- More work going on behind the scenes for upcoming functionality.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.89:
- Work continues behind the scenes on some great UI improvements. Like all great art, it doesn’t make sense until it’s finished, although they also say that great art is never finished, so I’m going to have to talk to my Product Manager and get back to you.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments, which can even be over 500 characters, unlike these release notes.
What's new in version 5.88:
- Clicking on the version number in Settings will now copy it to your clipboard!
- Are you experiencing notification issues? Do you wish they would just be fixed already? Well look no further! In this new update we hope to solve all(most) of your problems! For a full list of fixes, visit https://support.pagerduty.com/docs/release-notes!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.82:
- Light mode is here! In Settings, choose light mode, dark mode, or follow your system’s light and dark modes (Android Q and up).
- Below the Contact Card option in Settings, we’ll let you know when we last updated it.
- Fixed a crash in the authentication for phones without browsers. You still can’t login, but now we’ll tell you why.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.82:
- Light mode is here! In Settings, choose light mode, dark mode, or follow your system’s light and dark modes (Android Q and up).
- Below the Contact Card option in Settings, we’ll let you know when we last updated it.
- Fixed a crash in the authentication for phones without browsers. You still can’t login, but now we’ll tell you why.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.80:
- Share an incident from the Incident Details screen.
- Fixed a year-end issue in My On-Call Shifts.
- Replaced login experience with a web-based version using your device’s browser.
- Fixed the colors of the priority labels for enhanced readability.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.79:
- Typed in a wrong title for an incident?… Don’t worry! You can now edit incident titles in the app!
- Fixed a pesky crash when updating the PagerDuty contact card for the first time.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.78.1:
- You can now unsubscribe other people from incidents if you've "accidentally" subscribed them. You're welcome.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.72:
- We added a way to automatically add the PagerDuty contact to your phone and keep it up to date so you know it's PagerDuty calling and not spam. Check it out in our Settings menu under Notifications.
- You can now invite users from the Users screen
- We fixed a pesky bug on the Incident Details screen
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.71:
- Times are displayed in 24-hour time if that's how your phone is set up.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.70:
- Snooze incident(s) more than 24 hours (up to a week)! Thanks Sophia!
- Honk! Honk! Your phone can be a horrible goose with our new goose ringtone.
- The default for hitting Back is now to exit the app rather than open the menu. Change this in Settings.
- Actions performed through an integration will say so in the Timeline tab.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.69:
- This will be the last version of the app which will support KitKat.
- More work going on behind the scenes for upcoming functionality!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.68:
- Doing some behind the scenes work for upcoming functionality. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.67:
Who's excited for PAGERDUTY SUMMIT?! We sure are, and we hope to see you there. To celebrate we've added some jazzy changes:
- Introducing new ringtones! Brought to you by Tetsuya and Anton - your latest ringtones “Aaaaaaaahhhhh~~~!!” and “Angry Bear”
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's New in Version 5.66:
- We fixed a bug where tapping on certain links would crash the app. I call it 'a link to the crash'. I'll show myself out.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.65:
- We spiffed up the app and we are so excited for you to see our new look! Our new green is Pagey-approved, and don't worry, we've got more coming... the glow up isn't over yet!
- We fixed a bug where your phone may have periodically registered itself as a new device (and give you new default rules and sounds).
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.64:
- Fixed an issue affecting acknowledging incidents via notification
- Fixed up pull-to-refresh on the My On-Call Shifts screen
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.63:
- The top bar no longer changes colors according to your incident statuses.
- Fixed a crash opening some links on devices without Chrome.
- Fixed an issue selecting an account from a long list on login.
- Fixed an issue affecting read-only users trying to multi-select incidents.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.62:
- Fixed a couple of crashes.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.61:
- We fixed a pesky little crash on the Settings screen. We can't tell how it snuck in there. Oh! We have git history... Dang, it was me.
- To tighten up some security, we've disabled taking screenshots of the app. If you would like to enable that functionality and live life on the edge, you can find a toggle in the Settings screen.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.60:
- We've improved the app experience for stakeholders as part of our new Business Response workflows. This helps everyone at your company stay informed wherever they are.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.59:
Automatically share status updates with those who need to know by associating status updates with business services. Add stakeholders and teams as subscribers to updates so they are notified in real-time.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.57:
- Doing some behind the scenes work for upcoming functionality. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.56:
- Added configuration warnings to help you understand best practices when configuring your contact methods and notification rules.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.55:
- Clarification on warnings about your notification rules.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.54:
- More work going on behind the scenes for upcoming functionality.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.53:
- Gave a real shot in the arm to the performance of Add Responder for large accounts.
- Added filtering escalation policies by tag to Add Responder.
- Added a Try Now button to the login screen.
- We'll load all incident log entries now, not just the latest 100.
- Fixed an issue with Do Not Disturb for the OnePlus 6's physical switch.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.52:
- Pressing Back opens the menu instead of exiting the app (thanks Abdollah!)
- You can delete an override by tapping the override in the Schedule screen and selecting Delete.
- The Status Updates tab is now hidden for accounts without Modern Incident Response.
- Various bugs and crashes fixed (but I'm out of room).
Thanks for all the great feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.51:
- Informational banner was added to the Add Status Update screen to let you know how many users/teams will be notified and how many business services will be impacted.
- Tap the priority or duration of a disrupted business service to navigate to the incident.
- Fixed a crash-on-launch bug for folks with spotty Internet.
- Go Raptors!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in version 5.50:
- If you have a tendency to type the wrong key in your password, say no more. Our new intern, Santhu got you covered. Now you can toggle the visibility if you're not sure what you typed!
- You can now see the list of tags associated with an escalation policy.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments and/or Pagey fanmail.
On-Call Timeline is now My On-Call Shifts.
You can now view resolved incidents that were assigned to your team.
What’s New in Version 5.35:
We did a facelift on the empty incidents list. We hope you like it!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with comments.
What’s New in Version 5.32:
- A few tweaks and pokes to keep things running in tip-top shape.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with comments.
What's New in Version 5.28:
Schedules have been completely revamped! Quickly see any who's on call for any schedule. Flip through the past or future to see who was or will be on call, and even book an override in one place.
Push notifications are no longer treated as alarms (and other fixes). Our apologies for the difficulties!
Thanks for all the great feedback! Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's New in Version 5.27:
- Removed countries we can't reliably call or send SMS messages to from the list of countries in contact methods.
- Fixed some crashiness.
For Oreo devices and up, notification sound behavior might change, so please check your system notification settings for more control over your notifications.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's New in Version 5.26:
- Fixed the display of incidents created through the Jira integration.
- If you are the assignee and a coordinated responder for an incident, you now see ACK instead of ACCEPT.
- Miscellaneous other crashes and bugfixes.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s New in Version 5.25:
Introducing the new PagerDuty Visibility dashboard! See the operational status of your business services anytime, anywhere. When problems arise, see live performance indicators that quantify the real-time impact of incidents on customers and on the business. Available for Enterprise accounts and those with the PagerDuty Visibility add-on.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with comments.
What’s New in Version 5.24:
Addressed various crashes and odd behaviors.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s New in Version 5.23.1:
* Fixed an Oreo issue where the notification sound wouldn’t end when you tapped the notification.
* Fixed a bug where the notification sound would play even when you didn’t give our app priority in Do Not Disturb.
* Fixed a few crashes here and there.
* Fixed a problem where some Android phones were unable to login to the app.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s New in Version 5.22:
- Lots of work going on behind the scenes for new features. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s New in Version 5.21:
Fixed a crash and some bugs.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s New in Version 5.20:
- Priority! Create, edit and sort incidents by Priority on Basic (and above) pricing accounts.
- Users in the Observer role now have a Mine tab on Open Incidents.
- Fixed a bug that wasn't putting your device back into Do Not Disturb mode after overriding volume.
- Sped up the Service selection for creating a new incident.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s New in Version 5.19:
- Lots and lots of fixes to bugs reported by our users.
- Serious performance improvements!
- Lots of work under the hood for upcoming features.
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
Some things are just better live: music, the musical Grease, sports (not baseball or curling)... and now PagerDuty! The Open Incidents list and Incident Details refresh themselves with space-age Live Updating technology. No more pulling to refresh! (Very minimal data is used, and you can turn off Live Updating in the Settings screen.)
Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
* Native login is finally here! Login directly through the app, not through a web page in the app. Compatible with most password managers. (No offense to the web, you've been great. You really have)* Low-urgency notification rules are now separated from high-urgency notification rules! You can edit your low-urgency rules in your profile, located in the side menu. (not available on Lite packages)We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
* Native login is finally here! Login directly through the app, not through a web page in the app. Compatible with most password managers. (No offense to the web, you've been great. You really have)* Low-urgency notification rules are now separated from high-urgency notification rules! You can edit your low-urgency rules in your profile, located in the side menu. (not available on Lite packages)We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What's new in 5.14:* Incidents with conference bridges now show the number more prominently, and dial the number in-app so that the extension works. You will be asked for dialing permission the first time you use this.* Clarification about the length allowed for a custom responder message.* Some UI polish.Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
- Response plays are now available! Create response plays ahead of time, then run those plays on any incident from the mobile app. Available for all accounts on Standard and Enterprise.- Fixed a bug where some schedules would not show anything in their timeline if they were not 100% filled with shifts.- Various performance improvements.Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
- Response plays are now available! Create response plays ahead of time, then run those plays on any incident from the mobile app. Available for all accounts on Standard and Enterprise.- Fixed a bug where some schedules would not show anything in their timeline if they were not 100% filled with shifts.- Various performance improvements.Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
- Response plays are now available! Create response plays ahead of time, then run those plays on any incident from the mobile app. Available for all accounts on Standard and Enterprise.- Fixed a bug where some schedules would not show anything in their timeline if they were not 100% filled with shifts.- Various performance improvements.Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
* Numerous crashes & bugs squashed.* Double-tapping the Create button when creating an incident no longer creates two incidents, making it that much harder to pretend to do twice the work.* Google Pixel dynamic icons added.Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app.Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
Reverts the notification changes. Please ensure your notification tones and sounds are working.We’re sorry about the inconvenience our previous release may have caused. This release will help bring back your original notification preferences, but if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@pagerduty.com.
- Schedules! See today's timeline for any schedule, now found under the menu. From there, view shift details and schedule an override! Basic plan and above- If you create an incident assigned to yourself, it's automatically Acknowledged and we won't notify you (We assume you're already aware)- Specifically addressed an unspecific error that can happen under specific conditions- Dispatched the biggest crash offendersKeep the feedback coming! Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments
⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️:We no longer support earlier versions of Android. We now support Android 4.4 (API 19) onwards.-We've added a link to our Community Forums in Settings.-pagerduty.com links in incident emails will open directly in the app.Thanks for all the great feedback! We wont interrupt your incident response experience to ask for reviews, so please take a moment to review the app on Google Play.For questions, troubleshooting, and feature requests, please email support@pagerduty.com.
What’s New in Version 5.7:* Certain IDP pages that were not rendering during login will now render correctly.Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s New in Version 5.6:* Bug fixes and improvementsThanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s New in Version 5.5:- New Android app icon!- Bug fixes and improvements.Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
What’s New in Version 5.3:* Incident Priority now in Early Access! Now your teams can highlight major incidents using our recommended set of priority levels or customizing your own levels. Contact support@pagerduty.com to get access today.* Bug fixes and improvements.Thanks for all the great feedback! We’re always looking for ways to improve the app. Email support@pagerduty.com with any comments.
PagerDuty turns any signal into insight and action to improve agility and visibility across organizations. Through its SaaS-based platform, PagerDuty arms developers, IT operations, support, security, and business leaders to prevent and resolve incidents for exceptional customer experiences. As revenue and brand reputation depends on customer satisfaction, more than 9,000 small, mid-size and enterprise global customers such as Comcast, Lululemon, Slack, IBM and Panasonic use and trust PagerDuty to maximize their time and increase their business response and efficiency.
PagerDuty for Android enables the following:
Receive unlimited push notification alerts and set custom sounds for alerts.
Easily access and respond to open incidents (acknowledge, resolve, or reassign).
You can also create new incidents directly from the mobile app.
View incident details, grouped alerts, and resolution timelines at a glance.
View your on-call shifts and team schedules. Book overrides for yourself or your teammates.
View user directory for user on-call schedules and contact information.
Easily loop in responders for additional help with a single tap.
Execute custom actions (like restarting servers, running diagnostics, etc.) on incidents.
*A PagerDuty user account is required to use this application.