Shift Work Calendar (FlexR) 7.18.09

Hi, here we provide you APK file of "FlexR" apk file version: 7.18.09 to download and install for your android. It's easy and warranty.
  • Version: 7.18.09
    Version Code: 381
    Package: klwinkel.flexr
  • 10.21 MB (10,707,962 bytes)
  • Android 7.0+
  • -
  • file hash (MD5):
  • file signature (SHA1):
  • Permissions (17)
  • Uploaded 2025/17/03
  • Warning detected: in quene...
  • Productivity
  • GooglePlay
Whats new in FlexR 7.18.09
+ Note full or short in calendar (setting)
+ Search/filter option in calendar
+ Automatic note when changing something in a (planned) shift. Calendar, default is OFF
+ Backup/Restore screen simplified
+ Outlook calendar import and sync problems fixed
+ Google Calendar Read sync updatedsetting
Whats new in FlexR 7.18.07
+ Note full or short in calendar (setting)
+ Search/filter option in calendar
+ Automatic note when changing something in a (planned) shift. Calendar, default is OFF
+ Backup/Restore screen simplified
+ Outlook calendar import and sync problems fixed
+ Google Calendar Read sync updatedsetting
Whats new in FlexR 7.18.06
+ Note full or short in calendar (setting)
+ Search/filter option in calendar
+ Automatic note when changing something in a (planned) shift. Calendar setting, default is OFF
Whats new in FlexR 7.18.05
+ Note full or short in calendar (setting)
+ Search/filter option in calendar
+ Automatic note when changing something in a (planned) shift. Calendar setting, default is OFF
Whats new in FlexR 7.18.04
Several improvements for Invoices
Special rates on Invoice (setting)
Font size for Invoice (setting)
Workhours on Invoice (setting)
Creating your own Invoices in a few clicks
Invoice Monthly Subscription
Whats new in FlexR 7.17.01
Creating your own Invoices in a few clicks
Invoice Monthly Subscription
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.28
+ DST correction
+ Attachment backup (Drive + local)
+ 3-week period type
+ Start month of year setting
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.27
+ DST correction
+ Attachment backup (Drive + local)
+ 3-week period type
+ Start month of year setting
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.26
+ DST correction
+ Attachment backup (Drive + local)
+ 3-week period type
+ Start month of year setting
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.25
+ DST correction
+ Attachment backup (Drive + local)
+ 3-week period type
+ Start month of year setting
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.24
+ DST correction
+ Attachment backup (Drive + local)
+ 3-week period type
+ Start month of year setting
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.21
+ 3-week period type
+ Start month of year setting
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.20
+ 3-week period type
+ Start month of year setting
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.18
+ 3-week period type
+ Start month of year setting
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.17
+ 3-week period type
+ Start month of year setting
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Whats new in FlexR 7.16.16
+ Navigate button in calendar day popup
+ Timezone setting for external calendar sync
+ Movable (+) buttons (long press)
+ General update for new/nicer screen layouts
+ Improved External Calendar Sync performance
+ Improved External Calendar clean options
+ General Setting for Google Calendar color pallet (11 colors)
Description of Shift Work Calendar (FlexR)
FlexR is THE #1 app for people who work in varying shifts, giving you all options you want in an app for keeping track of your work schedule! The app shows a clear view of your personal schedule for the coming weeks, but also your schedule of the past. Paired with the ability to sync all of your schedule to your Google Agenda, the app communicates with all your Google apps perfectly. The app gives you the opportunity to quickly make a report of your worked hours, including your salary. All YOU have to do, is to tell the app when you have to work. The app does the rest! Another great feature is the auto-backup function, this prevents you from losing all your data when switching devices, this can even be turned on or off!

Some great functions;
- Google Drive backup
- Google Calendar sync
- Easy entering working schedule
- One-click report
- View your salary in an eyewink
- Handy widgets for a quick view
- Max 5 shifts (unlimited with Pro-pack)

There is also a paid version without Ads and umlimited shifts.
Screenshosts of FlexR

Other FlexR APK versions for Android

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