Hi, here we provide you APK file of "Sticker Maker for WhatsApp and WAstickerApps" apk file version: 839 to download and install for your android. It's easy and warranty.
Version: 839 Version Code: 839 Package: stickerwhatsapp.com.stickers 31.45 MB (32,980,376 bytes) Android 5.1+ ARM8 ARM7 ARM6 x86_64 x86 file hash (MD5): 681a60af22647a83e50de69211cbe930 file signature (SHA1): 6C9AAADFCE3154833480E1F254B2F8915B32E4F4 Permissions (11) ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE INTERNET VIBRATE WAKE_LOCK READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED READ_MEDIA_IMAGES POST_NOTIFICATIONS RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED FOREGROUND_SERVICE Uploaded 2024/16/02 by runnableapps Warning detected: in quene... Communication GooglePlay Whats new
Create stickers for WAStickerApps, Telegram and WhatsApp Make your own custom sticker in a few steps: 1. Select photo from gallery, image from downloads or any other picture in png, jpg, jpeg or webp format 2. Remove background automatically or remove background with free hand crop feature 3. Add caption on sticker with many fonts choices to create text sticker 4. Add emoji, funny decoration or mask on sticker. 5. Add border of any color around draft 6. Save to your own sticker pack 7. Export stickerpack to WhatsApp or Telegram 8. Share your personal stickers with friends Features: - Support both WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business - Decorations like beards, hats, glasses, love hearts and more To create Animated sticker for WhatsApp or moving sticker please press + button and select "Animated sticker" to download version for animated stickers. Version for animated stickers is free and support GIF images and MP4 videos.