The Secret of Weight 5.6.22

Hi, here we provide you APK file of "The Secret of Weight" apk file version: 5.6.22 to download and install for your android. It's easy and warranty.
  • Version: 5.6.22
    Version Code: 5062299
    Package: com.lesecretdupoids
  • 29.64 MB (31,076,456 bytes)
  • Android 5.0+
  • -
  • file hash (MD5):
  • file signature (SHA1):
  • Permissions (13)
  • Uploaded 2024/20/03
    by Le Secret du Poids
  • Warning detected: in quene...
  • Health & Fitness
  • GooglePlay
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 5.6.22
You can now enjoy new photos of LSDP foods and recipes, reworked and with better quality! Food items have also been updated and the Burger King category has been added for the true “gourmands”.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 5.6.21
You can now enjoy new photos of LSDP foods and recipes, reworked and with better quality! Food items have also been updated and the Burger King category has been added for the true “gourmands”.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 5.6.20
You can now enjoy new photos of LSDP foods and recipes, reworked and with better quality! Food items have also been updated and the Burger King category has been added for the true “gourmands”.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 5.5.7
You can now plan your cart for the next days.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 5.4.4
You can now add or remove a food item from your previous cart.
You also can change your starting debt, without having to reset it.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 5.1.35
TSOW got a new design, modern and more intuitive, based on your feedback!
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 5.1.33
TSOW got a new design, modern and more intuitive, based on your feedback!
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 5.1.32
TSOW got a new design, modern and more intuitive, based on your feedback!
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 4.3.1
A brand new feature has been introduced: it's now possible to scan barcode of almost all products (camera permission required).
We have also provided some bug fixes and bring some advertising module changes in.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 4.2.18
A brand new feature has been introduced: it's now possible to scan barcode of almost all products (camera permission required).
We have also provided some bug fixes and bring some advertising module changes in.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 4.2.6
A brand new feature has been introduced: it's now possible to scan barcode of almost all products (camera permission required).
We have also provided some bug fixes and bring some advertising module changes in.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 4.2.2
A brand new feature has been introduced: it's now possible to scan barcode of almost all products (camera permission required).
We have also provided some bug fixes and bring some advertising module changes in.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 4.1.4
A brand new feature has been introduced: it's now possible to scan barcode of almost all products (camera permission required).
We have also provided some bug fixes and bring some advertising module changes in.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 2.8.9
A brand new feature has been introduced: it's now possible to scan barcode of almost all products (camera permission required).
We have also provided some bug fixes and bring some advertising module changes in.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 2.6.14
We have corrected the software bugs and carried out performance updates:
- Optimized download size
- Solving display problems
- Fixed functional bugs

We have carried out interesting updates:
- Optimized navigation
- Help texts added

Tools and settings:
- Imperial System for the English version
- Resetting statistics now available
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 2.6.4
We have corrected the software bugs and carried out performance updates:
- Optimized download size
- Solving display problems
- Fixed functional bugs

We have carried out interesting updates:
- Optimized navigation
- Help texts added

Tools and settings:
- Imperial System for the English version
- Resetting statistics now available
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 2.5.1
We have corrected the software bugs and carried out performance updates:
- Optimized download size
- Solving display problems
- Fixed functional bugs

We have carried out interesting updates:
- Optimized navigation
- Help texts added

Tools and settings:
- Imperial System for the English version
- Resetting statistics now available
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 2.4.24
This new version fixes bugs and brings optimizations.
Whats new in The Secret of Weight 2.1.0
• A new menu to navigate freely throughout the application• The logo in the screen header to quickly return to the dashboard screen• New ergonomics to add food items even quicker than before• The different categories are now illustrated• Personalized statistics, weight follow-up• Receive instant messages from The Secret of Weight team via the Flo dialogue display• Need some dish ideas? You are going to love the recipes the Secret of Weight has to offer• You can now create your own recipes
Description of The Secret of Weight
The Secret of Weight (TSOW) is a simple and practical calorie counter based on photos. With this fun and playful application, you can either maintain your weight, slim down or even gain weight; it’s all up to you!

We all have heard about calories before! Why use this app then? Is it easy to navigate? How do we add up our calories?

The Secret of Weight explains everything! The number of calories you can spend each day. What happens if you go over your budget? How to rectify when you overindulge... Most importantly, the application simplifies calorie counting for you, as you can select what you had to eat using food pictures in the app!

How does it work?

- There is a daily calorie budget which you can spend without getting fat. You can spend your money as you wish! You can eat all kinds of food and as long as you stay within your budget you will not gain weight! This is THE big Secret of Weight.

Okay, but how does it all work?

- Throughout the day, you can add the food you're having and select the portions you're having by using the food pictures. A small gauge shows you how many calories you have left to spend for that given day.
- If you eat more than the budget, you’ll gain weight: a chart shows you, in real time, how many grams you gain when you overindulge.
- If you eat less than your estimated budget, you’ll lose weight: a chart indicates, in real time, how many grams you have lost.

The new thing about this concept is to make you see how losing weight does not necessarily mean banishing forbidden foods from your diet! You will also precisely learn how many calories you will need to eat or not in order to gain or lose a kilo.

- Caloric gauge and dashboard.
- Food catalogue:
2096 photos of food
2750 foods represented
- Possibility to add food to your cart, using or not photos.
- Possible to save your own recipes with or without photos.
- You can add food items to "Favorites".
- Food shopping (it is possible to check your basket for the last 10 days).
- Customized Settings.
- Help topics.
- Small character as your coach ("Flo").
- Possibility to customize the dashboard by changing the color of the gauge and the character (by pressing one or the other).

No fees, no additional paying options. The only product that we present is the book, The Secret of Weight (available on Amazon), which, if you buy it, will tell you more about the Secret of Weight method!

We invite you to test this wonderful tool for yourself!

The application’s limited options help us focus on the simple, basic things. You will quickly get to know all the options (but it will still take a few minutes to understand the basic idea). With the help of explanatory texts, you will catch on and before you know it you'll start managing your weight all on your own! Keep it simple, think simple, and lose weight easily!
Screenshosts of The Secret of Weight

Other The Secret of Weight APK versions for Android

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